Our sixth formers have the opportunity to follow
pathways tailored to their strengths and interests,
including A-level, AS level, BTEC and Cambridge
National qualifications. All of the different pathways
available are challenging and ambitious and reflect the
needs of the employment market locally, nationally and
At Key Stage 5 students can follow a programme
to support progression into higher education or
employment and training. A students’ main studies
will be enhanced with a core programme which
includes work related learning and work experience
opportunities, robust careers education and
independent information, advice and guidance. They
will also have the opportunity to study the Extended
Project Qualification (EPQ), AS level general studies or
critical thinking.
Sixth formers are supported by committed and
dedicated tutors who ensure they play a key role in
the life of the College. They are expected to act as role
models for the other young people in the College and
are able to support younger students academically and
pastorally through numeracy and literacy mentoring,
peer mentoring and through the vertical tutoring
system. There are engaging and exciting enrichment
opportunities for Post 16 students to participate in.
These are vast and wide ranging including the Duke of
Edinburgh, leading the Student Council, International
Visits such as World Challenge, sporting activities, visits
to Universities and employers.
All sixth form students participate in a fantastic careers
programme which ensures that they are well informed
and prepared for their next steps after completion
of Post 16 education, whether this is university, an
apprenticeship or employment. We have many exciting
visits from business leaders and successful alumni that
help our Post 16 students shape their thinking about
further education and future careers.
Year on year, our Post 16 students are successful in gaining
places at the most prestigious universities in the country
and abroad.
These include:
• University of Cambridge
• University of Oxford
• University of York
• University College London
• University of Sheffield
• University of Edinburgh
• University of Bristol
• Harvard University
• Queen Mary University of London
• University of Birmingham
• University of Warwick
• Imperial College London
• University of Leeds
• London School of Economics
• Newcastle University
• University of Nottingham
“The encouragement and
support I have received
from my Learning Tutors
is one of the key reasons
I wanted to progress into
Post 16 education here.”
Year 12 student