Good morning,
As you may know, our Year 10 work experience is scheduled to take place during the week commencing 24 January. However, due to the Government’s Covid-19 work from home guidance, which was re-introduced on December 13, it has been incredibly difficult to secure effective work placements for our students, and many students have had their placements cancelled due to this guidance.
This means that while some students have been able to secure meaningful work experience placements, others have not. This is why we would like to propose a ‘hybrid’ model for work experience week, so that students who have secured work experience placements can attend their placement and students who do not have a placement will attend school as normal.
Year 10 students who attend school during work experience week will focus on revision work and revisiting work covered remotely during the second whole school closure, and we are also investigating other work-related activities for these students. This also means that students who are participating in work experience placements will not miss new learning. Our aim is that students who are able to go on their work experience placements can still participate in these while still providing the students who remain in school with a meaningful experience.
Thank you in advance for your support with this. If you do have any questions regarding Year 10 work experience, please do contact me directly via the PA to the Principal, Miss Walendziewski, [email protected]
Kind regards,
Alison Brannick