Online Safety – Parent Information & Survey In June last year, we surveyed parents to understand how confident they felt in supporting their children to stay safe online. Since then, we designed and shared a new webpage to support students and parents and gave a number of presentations at parents evenings to support with this. We are asking parents to complete a complementary survey this year to assess what further help needs to be provided. Thanks in advance for your support with this. Q1 - What year groups at the College do you have a child in? (you can tick more than one box) Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Q2 – What other internet enabled devices does your child have at home? (you can tick more than one box) Tablet Games Console (e.g. Xbox, Playstation) Laptop/Desktop Computer Smart TV Smartwatch/Wearable Q3 – Are there parental controls set on your broadband router (Home WIFI)? Yes No Don't know Note: Our new webpage has links to setting up controls for all major broadband providers.Q4 – Are there parental controls set on your child’s devices? Yes - All of them Yes – Some of them No – none set Don't know Note: Our new webpage has links to setting up controls for all major devices.Q5 – Which of these are you aware that your child uses? (you can tick more than one box) Facebook Instagram Snapchat Twitter Youtube TikTok WhatsApp Pinterest Oovoo Discord Omeagle Tumblr Q6 – Do you know what privacy settings are set up on your child’s social media accounts? Yes - All of them Yes – Some of them Don’t know how to Note: Our new webpage has links to changing privacy settings for all the major social media apps.Q7 – In your home do your children have to give their devices to you before bedtime? Yes No Q8 – How often to you speak to your child about online dangers? Very frequently (e.g. Daily) Sometimes (e.g. Weekly) Rarely (e.g. Monthly) Never Q9 – How confident are you of talking to your child about online dangers? Very confident Somewhat confident Not confident at all Note: Our webpage has links to supporting parents with online dangersQ10 – How often do you check your child’s device/supervise their activity online? Very frequently (e.g. Daily) Sometimes (e.g. Weekly) Rarely (e.g. Monthly) Never Q11 – Do you think your child would tell you if they were concerned about something online? Yes No Don't know Thanks for completing this survey. The link to our new webpage is here If you have any questions regarding online safety, please email the College on [email protected] EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.