For the sixth year running the ‘Your Choice’ programme visited LFCD last week to talk to students about topics such as knife crime, gang behaviour, exploitation, hate crimes, racism and other serious and violent crimes that young people may experience around them. The programme is led by Dr Manny Barot and Jason Farmer. Both leads have experienced the topics that are discussed in their own lives. By having personal discussions and conducting workshops with the students, it presents a vital opportunity for serious and organised crimes to become de-glamourised.
The programme splits the day into two sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The morning session focused on a presentation to all Year 9 students in which the presenter shared their personal stories and experiences regarding criminality and offered the opportunity for the young people to ask questions. The hope of these presentations is to give the students an opportunity to get a glimpse into the world of crime and the realistic impacts of being a part of it, with an ongoing theme that, ultimately, it is your life and ‘Your Choice’.
The afternoon session focused on increased interaction and discussing topics with a smaller group of fifteen Year 9 students. The workshop helped build up decision making, dispute resolution and anger management skills, analysed the impacts of discrimination and delved into the term of ‘joint enterprise.’ There was also the opportunity for those participating to discuss future aspirations and what development and skills they need to reach their goals. The feedback from staff and students who participated in the event was overwhelmingly positive, the event really prompts students to reflect on how their choices impact the rest of their lives and the lives of those close to them.