Dear parents/ carers,
We wanted to remind you that we will close for the Easter break on Thursday 28 March at 3.10pm. Please note, Thursday 28 March is not a non-uniform day and students should attend in full school uniform. The school will reopen at 8.20am on Monday 8 April.
Later this week we will send all families our Easter edition of the Landau Leader, this is jam packed with articles detailing all the brilliant events that have been taking place at LFCD. It also includes an update on Team Beast’s American adventures. As we have previously shared with you, Team Beast, made up of students from Years 9 and 10, were invited to take part in the CREATE U.S. Open Tournament in Iowa after winning the Teamwork Champion Award, the Robot Skills Champion Award, and the Design Award in a regional competition in Nottingham. As a result, the CREATE Foundation in America took note of their performance and invited the team to represent the UK in the prestigious international competition. The team had a fantastic time in Iowa and achieved the highest ever score of any UK team in the history of the competition. We are incredibly proud of Team Beast and we would like to thank all in the Landau community for their support in making this once in a lifetime visit happen.
I wanted to highlight that the school will be closed for the forthcoming national bank holiday – Monday 6 May 2024 – May Day Bank Holiday
Finally, we would like to wish all our students and their families Happy Holi, Happy Easter and Happy Hola Mohalla. We would also like to take this opportunity to wish Eid Mubarak to the Landau Community for the forthcoming celebrations.
Kind regards,
Alison Brannick