Dear Parents/Carers,
As we come to the end of Term 4, I wanted to congratulate our students on their continuing hard work. Over the last few weeks GCSE and A level examinations have been taking place and we are all so proud of the resilience, commitment and determination our students have shown in approaching their examinations.
The College will close for the end of term break at 3.10pm on Friday 24 May. Friday is not a non-uniform day and students need to attend in full school uniform.
There are several important announcements that I want to set out for you, but before that I would like to thank you all once again for your ongoing support. We know how important our relationships with our students’ families are – these are crucial to making sure students have the right support and opportunities to help them succeed.
If you have any questions about the information below, please do contact us via the PA to the Principal, Miss Lauren Walendziewski, [email protected] or 01332 204040.
College Medical Officer/administration of medicines during the school day
The College employs a full time Medical Officer, Mrs Laura Allcock. First Aid cover is available at all times during the College day. If a student feels unwell, they must first see the Medical Officer who will make an assessment of the student’s condition. We encourage students not to make direct contact with home; if needed, the Medical Officer or another member of staff will contact parents/carers. If students require medicines to be administered during school hours, we ask that parents/carers follow the following procedure:
- Parents/carers must give consent via the administration of medicine request form available from the Medical Officer.
- The medicines and the completed administration of medicine request form should be delivered to the Medical Officer who will keep the medicines securely and will support with administration at the allocated time(s). This also applies to non-prescribed medicines, such as cough mixture or paracetamol.
- The exceptions are asthma inhalers and epinephrine auto-injectors (Epi Pens), which should be carried by the student at all times. A spare inhaler/epinephrine auto-injector (Epi Pen) must be supplied and left with the Medical Officer in case of an emergency.
- All medicines should be clearly labelled with contents, student’s name, dosage and frequency taken.
Students with long term medical conditions will have a Care Plan which is put together by the Medical Officer, in conjunction with the medical specialists working with the student.
Food Allergies
The College has a number of students with food allergies which can range from mild to severe. We would like to remind all parents and carers to inform our Medical Officer, Mrs Laura Allcock, of any changes to their child’s food allergy and medication as soon as possible. Students should carry their epinephrine auto-injector (Epi Pen), where issued, on them at all times and also provide an in-date, spare epinephrine auto-injector (Epi Pen) to the Medical Officer.
For students who suffer from any allergies, we ask that parents assist their child in the self-management of their condition through frequent conversations with them. Should a student be unsure of the ingredients of any item in our Restaurant, please encourage them to speak with a member of the catering team before purchasing.
Water bottles
We would ask that all students carry a refillable water bottle with them, it is vital that students are kept hydrated throughout the school day. The bottles can be refilled via the water machines at breakfast and lunchtimes. Please note, students cannot leave lessons to get a drink of water.
Safe routes to and from school
Please remind your sons and daughters that they should not walk to the city centre/ bus station via the Swing Bridge/Cathedral Green area. Unfortunately, this area can experience anti-social behaviour and we don’t feel it is the most suitable route for students to access. Students should use the main roads which are covered by CCTV in order to stay as safe as possible. If students encounter any issues on their way into the city centre/ bus station they should alert the LFCD staff on duty at the bus station or return to school to speak to staff.
Year 7 Introduction Days
We will welcome our new Year 7 students for three Introduction Days at the College from 2-4 July. These students, who will join the College formally in September, will spend time in various lessons and meet with their Personal Tutors.
Once again, the College has proved a very popular first choice for local families and we are pleased to have attracted pupils from over 60 feeder primaries. I know that students and staff will enjoy welcoming these new Year 7 students and make them feel at home in their new surroundings ahead of September.
New School Term
After the break, we will welcome all students back on site at 8.20am on Monday 3 June. Between now and the end of the academic year, we also have a number of exciting events to look forward to. This includes our Celebration of Success events, Culture and Sports Week and both the Year 11 and Year 13 Leavers’ Balls. The relevant year groups will receive specific letters about each of these opportunities nearer the time and Term dates for the remainder of this academic year and next academic year are always available on our website.
In the meantime, may I wish you and your families a peaceful and restful break.
Kind regards,
Alison Brannick