Dear parent/ carer,
Attendance expectations at Landau Forte College Derby
We are writing to all parents/carers to reiterate our expectations regarding student attendance and to provide a clear outline of attendance procedures at Landau Forte College Derby. We know the vast majority of our families work with us and understand the important of strong attendance and we are very grateful for this. We hope this letter will provide our families with a clear framework about absence procedures and Local Authority responses to declining or poor student attendance.
Please ensure your child arrives at College by 8.20am. Tutor time starts at 8.30am and students are expected to be present and in tutor time by this time.
Home Visit Procedure
The attendance team complete home visits and have an active role in communicating with students, families and external agencies within the community. The team may complete a home visit for the following reasons:
- If we receive no reason for absence, the Attendance Team may attempt a home visit to establish this.
- If your child has repeated absence, the Attendance Team may complete first day home visits with the aim to identify barriers for attending and to ensure the correct support is in place for your child.
- If your child is absent for two days, the Attendance Team may complete a home visit as part of our attendance procedures.
- If we have been unable to see a student for five days following home visits this is passed to the Safeguarding Team and Principal. If it is thought the student is out of area, a referral may be submitted to the local authority for legal intervention. We work closely with multi-agencies and will share and seek relevant information regarding families where required.
Appointments and Medical Reasons
Where possible please ensure all appointments are arranged outside College hours. If an appointment has to be booked when the student is expected in school, please ensure medical evidence is supplied and the student is present in school before and after the appointment; this ensures students can access more lessons and will cause less disruption to learning. Appointments are preferred to be made at the end of the College day to avoid the appointment having a negative impact on students’ attendance.
Leave of absence
Requests for absence in term-time should be made in writing to the Principal at least six weeks in advance by parents or carers. We will notify parents of the decision in writing. Under current regulations, schools are unable to authorise any holidays taken in term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Landau Forte College Derby will require evidence of exceptional circumstances and the ‘request for leave of absence form’ for any leave of absence request. Where a parental request has been declined, and parents continue to take their child out of school, this absence will be recorded as unauthorised. We reserve the right to apply to the Local Authority to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice.
School attendance and the law
It is the legal responsibility of every parent to make sure their child receives a full-time education (Section 7 of the Education Act 1996). If the child is absent without authorisation, then the parent is guilty of an offence (Section 444(1) Education Act 1996). Any child with attendance of below 90% (regardless of whether the absence is authorised or unauthorised) is considered to be a persistent absentee. This equates to two days of absence each month. All schools are expected by the Department of Education to work with parents and students who are at risk of becoming persistently absent to understand and address reasons for absence and to identify any barriers to attendance. The Attendance Team aims to provide support to all students and families through parent phone calls, home visits, student conversations and attendance support meetings. Where offer of support is declined, or a student continues to have unsatisfactory school attendance following support, we may refer to the local authority for legal intervention.
Importance of attendance
It is essential for students to get the most out of their school experience, low attendance can compromise a young person’s attainment, wellbeing, and wider life chances. The students with the highest attainment in Key Stage 4 have higher rates of attendance. Attending lessons everyday ensures that your child receives the necessary expertise and guidance from their teachers, enabling them to grasp complex concepts, clarify doubts, and gain a deeper understanding of the curriculum.
Landau Forte College Derby will support both families and students in achieving improved attendance in any practical way we can. If you would like further information or would like to discuss the reasons for absences and access support, please do not hesitate to contact the Attendance Team: Miss L Hawley, Attendance Manager, or Mr M Andrews, Vice Principal, at College on 01332 204040 or email [email protected]
Kind regards,
Alison Brannick