Dear Parent/Carer,
As we come to the end of Term 3 I want to again thank you for your ongoing support. It is fantastic to see all our students working so hard and making excellent progress in their learning. Well done in particular to our Year 11 students who have shown great maturity and commitment with their approach to the oncoming GCSE trial exams – we are all very impressed!
Last day of term – Friday 16 February
The last day of term will be a non-uniform day in memory of our dear student Musa and to support KORT. KORT is an orphanage in Pakistan for which LFCD has been fundraising for five years. Our students have raised nearly £10,000 for this great cause. Students can pay £1 via Parent Pay or in cash to wear non uniform. We will close to students at the normal time of 3.10pm on Friday 16 February.
School of Rock musical
Well done and thank you to staff and students for their outstanding performances of School of Rock last week! It was fantastic to see so many of our families over the two nights of the performances and I am sure you will all agree it was a resounding success. We are so proud of all the performers. Special thanks must go to Miss Knight and Mr Hart – together, with our students, they created the most wonderful show!
Landau Forte Enrichment Fund
Thank you to everyone who has supported our Enrichment Fund, we have now raised just over £10,000. The Landau Forte Enrichment Fund supports the subsidising of trips and visits to ensure they are accessible for all our students. It also helps us deliver exciting enrichments events in school such as Culture Week.
Year 10 Work Experience Week
This week, Year 10 students are participating in work experience. Students are participating in a wide variety of placements and the feedback we have received from employers has been overwhelmingly positive. Work experience is invaluable for our students, as it develops many transferable skills and supports the development of a young person’s self-confidence and self-esteem.
The College Day
Please can parents be reminded that students should be onsite for 8.20am, ready to start tutor time which begins at 8.30am. Unfortunately, this term we have seen a number of students waiting in the College Reception as early as 7.35am. While we are mindful of the difficulties families may face in ensuring they are at work on time please be reminded, due to staff not being available to supervise students within the building, the College is not open at this point and students should not enter until 7.45am at the very earliest.
Parking at College/on Fox Street
If you collect or drop off your child in a car from Fox Street please observe the parking restrictions and road safety. The situation on Fox Street is very challenging and I must ask again that you do not double park on Fox Street. Unfortunately, we are still seeing parents regularly parking on the double yellow lines on both sides of the road, which means the road quickly becomes grid locked. This means that students who wish to cross Fox Street must walk out into the road between parked cars, with limited visibility, and so are placed at significant risk.
We appreciate that there is limited space while dropping off or waiting for your sons and daughters, but we would ask that you encourage your child to use public transport, you car share with other families, or make arrangements to drop off or meet your child on an adjacent street. It is vital that we keep Fox Street and the College driveway safe for our students and we continue to work with Derby City Council and the Police to look for solutions to this situation. Thank you for your support.
The College will finish for the end of term on Friday 16 February at 3.10pm and we will welcome all students back on site at 8.20am on Monday 4 March.
If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me directly via Miss Walendziewski, PA to the Principal, [email protected]
We wish you and your family a peaceful and restful break,
Kind regards,
Alison Brannick