Curriculum Overviews
Our approach to the curriculum is holistic, coherent and provides equity for learners. From year 7, the curriculum is logically sequenced with projects that engage and inspire, challenge stereotypes and broaden minds, develop resilience and confidence ensuring our students have regular opportunities to practice what they know, constantly building and deepening their knowledge and skills into year 8 so that when they start GCSE in year 9 they are equipped with fundamental building blocks that feed directly into the assessment objectives and will lead to great outcomes.
Our curriculum intent is driven by a strong moral purpose to ensure what we offer builds cultural capital in all projects using a wide variety of both historical and contemporary influences and enabling students to understand the wider context relating to the work of artists designers and craftspeople. Understanding of concepts and the critical role they play in artworks are developed from early on so that students are equipped to create personal projects that exploit opportunities to engage with deep themes. Combining this with practical skills, for example different approaches to recording techniques, enable all learners to find their strengths. Students are empowered to develop work which is highly skilled and imaginative and leads to the creation of aesthetic work, environments and experiences that can be shared with others.
We strive for our students to be responsible, safe and independent, encouraging our learners take pride and responsibility for their equipment and resources enabling them to work within a positive and purposeful climate.
As a Business Studies team, we play a key part in developing students’ workplace skills, which in turn will contribute to their future economic wellbeing and foster an understanding of society’s needs. Our curriculum contextualises learning through the use of real life situations and an engagement with the authentic experiences of working businesses to inspire their commercial thinking, economic knowledge and employability.
The business curriculum follows a sequence from a broad year 9 curriculum introducing the landscape of business through to challenging business concepts, appreciating the impact of business on the wider economic and social environment. We encourage students to create and embrace enterprising approaches to business opportunities, issues and risks whilst being aware of the ethical considerations and responsibilities confronted by businesses.
As a team we aim to enable every one of our learners to leave the college with an accredited qualification. We strive to reduce the attainment gap between groups of students by making effective use of data to inform teaching and learning and by constantly developing our skills as a teaching team. All staff have up-to-date knowledge and understanding of our subject and working together as a team allows us to support our students to reach their full potential.
All students benefit from a holistic development of Computing based skills enabling them to access day to day computing related tasks and, to have a relevant and informed education to enable their growth and development in digital literacy. This ensures that the students are equipped enough to enable them to contribute to an increasingly digital society. All students will benefit entering the digital world, with the awareness that Computer Science is one of the largest growing sectors particularly surrounding STEM.
The Key Stage 3 (KS3) curriculum has been designed to ensure learners have sufficient knowledge to stay safe online and use computers safely in life. The topics at KS3 give a basis of knowledge, skills and understanding to allow students to progress onto either iMedia or Computer Science at KS4 and will provide exposure to those subjects so that students can make an informed decision on their GCSE pathway.
The rationale of the KS4 and KS5 curriculum is for students to develop the mind-set of a computer scientist built upon the foundations at KS3. Learners have the opportunity to develop their capability, creativity and knowledge in computer science and digital media.
We teach geography as the study of relationships between physical and human matters, ranging from the environment, population, tectonics and the economy. We aim to create geographers who are critical thinkers, equipped with global knowledge that reaches far beyond, but includes, their local landscape. We believe that geography should provide equity for students from all backgrounds with access to concepts such as sustainability, physical-human interactions and development, which are interleaved and logically sequenced throughout the curriculum. We aim that the knowledge and skills students acquire, in addition to memorable and authentic experiences such as field trips, encourages them to be ambitious, responsible, safe and healthy citizens who are acutely aware of their role in positively shaping society in the future.
The aim of the team is to develop the students into independent, creative, resilient problem solvers. We aim for students to be aware of where new products come from and that good design is about making things better for people. We aim for Students to understand that designers are working towards making a better world and that the work they do is critical to the success of our society. Designers help to make our relationship with the objects that we build our lives from more thoughtful, wiser, deeper and better considered. We also aim to have students who are responsible citizens and better consumers: students who possess a good understanding of environmental, moral ethics and sustainability, who realise how their decisions can impact other people and environments, positively and negatively.
Through creativity and the teaching of design and technology skills and processes, we encourage students to develop an iterative, hands on approach to problem solving. Each stage is rooted in technical knowledge. The design process should have real-life links and relevant contexts to give meaning to learning. While making, students will be given exposure to a range of material areas, whilst developing safe working practices and consideration of others. To improve their outcomes, students will be able to develop tests to help to evaluate against specific design criteria. Each of these steps should be entrenched in technical knowledge and vocabulary. We hope to inspire students to choose a career in a related profession and aim to capitalise on alumni links and local inspirations such as the Museum of Making which is due to open in 2020.
We are committed to promoting challenging fiction and non-fiction texts, which encourage students to read and explore beyond to the borders of their world and imagination. We know it is important for students to have the confidence and ability to critically respond to the world as it is presented to them through an appreciation of the power of the English language. We also develop creative and analytical writing skills so that students can express themselves precisely, accurately, and in detail. An important life skill is communicate effectively and with confidence, in a range of contexts, which is why these opportunities run through the curriculum. Units of work incorporate a range of reading, writing and drama, fiction and non-fiction to encourage a breadth of cultural knowledge and understanding of the influences on writers across the centuries. We also include texts across the literary canon as these ideas/themes transcend the boundaries of time. E.g. Class divide, abuse of power, gender boundaries and inequality. Students know that they too are connected to these universal and timeless themes/ideas and this can inform their own personal responses to a text.
Our history curriculum intends to develop students into highly critical thinkers who have the confidence to understand, challenge, and question the world around them. Students will engage in logically sequenced, coherent learning sessions which will enhance their grasp on both chronological and thematic concepts, such as conflict. History helps students understand the complexity of people’s lives, the diversity of cultures, the process of change, and relationships between different groups, as well as their own sense of identity, the current challenges in the world around them and how to positively shape the future.
We strive to consistently challenge all learners with a curriculum that is ambitious, personalised and memorable, including taking them on visits and working with other subjects, aiming to extend their cultural capital. The higher order skills that are required at GCSE and A level are now carefully embedded into our KS3 curriculum, yet the content remains broad. This will allow students to extend and deepen their historical perspective. This also equips students with both critical and analytical writing skills. It provides our young people with the confidence to form relevant and evidentially supported arguments, and the ability to express this accurately and fluently.
We support teams to construct an ambitious, engaging curriculum that ensures all learners have the opportunities to thrive. We want learners with additional needs to grow their knowledge, skills and interests across the diverse curriculum on offer at Landau. Where needed, we also aim to deconstruct the curriculum too in order to personalise the learning experience. We make curriculum adjustments for our learners that give them time to extend their progress beyond the classroom curriculum and grow as resilient, confident and independent citizens. Our ambition is to find and foster their individual talents and interests and create flexibility in the curriculum to turn those unique qualities into opportunities for current progress and future progression. We aim to ensure we hold the ambitions of our curriculum in balance with the wellbeing of the young people we champion. Every student is different and each of them will have a different path to their future. We find that path and guide the way.
Mathematics is a language that describes the universe around us. At Landau Forte College, we equip a generation of learners to see maths beyond the numbers. Our curriculum empowers students to develop and apply problem solving skills focusing largely on the principal mathematical components: geometrical reasoning, proportional reasoning and graphical representations. Our learners are curious and resilient and use mathematics to solve pertinent and relevant real-life problems in a challenging modern world, encouraging them to have the necessary mathematical knowledge and skills to be responsible and financially independent members of society.
The sixth form curriculum provides equity for all learners, irrespective of where they were previously educated, their individual career goals and their prior attainment. Both our taught and wider curriculum is logically sequenced and ensures our sixth form students have regular opportunities to practise what they know, constantly developing their breadth and depth of knowledge.
Our curriculum intent is driven by a strong moral purpose to ensure what we offer is both personalised and challenging, yet through assertive support, enables students to become both maximally qualified but also responsible, safe and healthy citizens in the real and digital world with an acute awareness of their developing role as young adults.
Through memorable experiences both in and outside of the classroom, we ensure our sixth form students subsequently progress to their preferred destinations, fully informed and prepared to play a role in positively shaping the future on a global, national and local scale.
We intend students to develop a secure knowledge and understanding of the grammatical concepts necessary to manipulate the language, enabling them to communicate confidently and independently in written and spoken form. We also intend them to develop a wide vocabulary so they are able to understand and respond to a range of topics which are relevant to themselves and the world around them. We aim to develop their understanding of the culture of the countries where the target language is spoken, challenge stereotypes, broaden their minds, and equip them to live in an increasingly global community.
Our curriculum is designed to improve understanding of living a healthy active lifestyle and inspire lifelong participation in physical activity. It sets out to develop a range of skills, techniques, strategies, tactics and continuity of certain sports to enable students to become more competent, confident and expert in Physical Education.
The PE curriculum is ambitious in its design to offer a range of activities with the aim of engaging interest in exercise and sport to encourage individuals to take part in these activities out of school and into later life. As such, the curriculum aims to highlight the benefits physical activity has to mental/emotional, physical and social health. Our approach is inclusive and student engagement is high irrespective of ability.
Opportunity is provided throughout the curriculum for students to take part in competitive sport, enrichment activities and opportunities to spectate elite sport, facilitating the development or resilience and co-operative skills in addition to building on their cultural capital. Further prospect to develop these skills alongside the ability to build trust in others and solve problems is provided through outdoor and adventurous activities.
In Performing Arts we offer opportunities and experiences to immerse young people into the diverse world of the Performing Arts. Students develop technical, expressive and evaluative skills discreetly across Dance, Drama and Music initially, alongside opportunities to create and perform with and in front of their peers. Students also get the opportunity to develop and practise life skills such as collaboration and presentation skills. These skills are implicit in the tasks set and support our quest to develop confidence in young people.
As students’ progress and specialise in one or more art forms, we support their development with opportunities to engage with professionals across a range of performance and production roles both within College and locally. This develops students’ knowledge and understanding of the wider Performing Arts Industry. Alongside the curriculum, Performing Arts also offers enriching extra-curricular experiences in a wide variety of settings which includes public performances within and outside of the College. We never audition- activities are open to everyone as we believe the skills acquired benefit all learners.
Our curriculum design is holistic and logically sequenced to allow learners to practise and progressively deepen their knowledge, literacy, numeracy and practical skills including: scientific attitudes, experimental skills, analysis, evaluation and measurement skills. The scope and nature of the study describes a sequence of knowledge and concepts with a focus on developing a secure and deep understanding of the science rather than a superficial level of knowledge.
Our curriculum, including our enrichment programme, develops students’ understanding of the social, economic and ethical issues that exist in modern society, such as the issues discussed in Eco Club. These give students rich and memorable experiences in addition to equipping them with the knowledge and tools to be responsible, healthy and safe citizens who are able to think critically about the world around them.
Religious Education (RE) at Landau Forte College is taught to all year groups, from year 7 to 13. The curriculum reflects the fact that Christianity is the main tradition in Great Britain, but takes into account the multicultural and multifaith demographic of the local area and College. RE plays a vital role in developing character, attitudes, tolerance and respect. It is formative in preparing students for life in modern Britain and being a successful citizenship upholding fundamental British values. Topics explored include belief systems, rites of passage, religious communities, beliefs and practices about human rights, the environment and animal rights. A GCSE Religious Studies course is offered as an option in Year 9, but all students continue their RE studies through learning for life, world studies and creativity programmes of study. All sixth form students have a series of SMSC/RE lectures and seminars to complement their A Level studies, as well as a comprehensive tutor time programme. A Level Religious Studies is also available for students to study at sixth form.
We are acutely aware that young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, students need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way, allowing them to feel confident and equipped to make decisions about their futures.
The Values curriculum helps to address the key building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships, both on and offline. This will sit alongside the essential understanding of how to be healthy emotionally, physically and mentally. We also support students in approaching their next steps in education or their careers.
The wider aim of this subject is to help foster pupil wellbeing and develop resilience and perseverance that are fundamental to pupils being happy, successful and positive members of society. Central to this is a culture of respect for others that students possess, whether this be with regard to cultures, religion or social viewpoints.
Values sessions support students’ transition appropriately in each age phase. Our curriculum is planned to facilitate a range of learning experiences, including guest speakers, debates, independent learning, group presentations, and audio-visual stimuli.
There are some skills and approaches that are relevant to many subject areas. This booklet aims to provide consistency when using these approaches in all areas of the curriculum.
Key Stage 3 Curriculum
We offer a balanced curriculum at Key Stage 3 (KS3) designed to meet the needs and interests of all students. Students are regularly assessed and progress monitored from their KS2 prior attainment against challenging targets.
“The outstanding curriculum is extremely well matched to students’ needs and aspirations and promotes high academic achievement. At the same time it provides suitable yet challenging courses for the less academic. Through excellent enrichment and additional programmes students are able to develop their special talents and interests across all areas of college life.”
All students will study the following subjects:
- English
- Maths
- Science
- Computer Science
- Design and Technology
- Geography
- History
- RE & Values (including Philosophy, Religion, Ethics, Citizenship, Careers and RSE & PSHE)
- Physical Education
- Art & Design
- Two Modern Foreign Languages
Students will also have numerous opportunities to participate in curriculum enriching activities, either as part of the college working day or with one of the numerous clubs and groups which meet after the normal learning day finishes. More information about these opportunities can be found on our Enrichment & Extension Activities page.
Full details of our curriculum, by subject, are made available in the document below:
Key Stage 4 Curriculum
Students have the opportunity to choose their own individual learning pathway based around their specific skills and interests. For the majority of students their studies will be recognised through GCSEs and for some, vocational qualifications.
All students will continue to study a core curriculum which lead to GCSE qualifications:
- English Language
- English Literature
- Mathematics
- Science (combined or separate)
In addition, and also leading to GCSE qualifications, most students will study:
- Humanities (Geography or History)
- Modern Foreign Language (French, German or Spanish)
All students will also study an enhanced core curriculum including:
- Core PE
- Learning for Life – Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PHSE), RSHE, Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CIEAG), RE, Character Education and Citizenship)
- Creativity (Y9) – Computing, Performing Arts, Design and Technology, Art and RE & Values
- World Studies (Y9) (including Geography, History and Philosophy, Religion and Ethics) – a programme based around local, national and global issues.
The College offers a wide range of GCSE and Vocational courses which students select to complete their pathway, details of which can be found below.
Students are assessed at regular intervals over the course of their KS4 studies and expected performance for the end of Year 11 is measured against challenging aspirational targets. Students will also complete a Work Placement during Year 10 and continue to have access to a wide range of extension and enrichment activities.
Year 8 Pathway Process
Students select their KS4 individual learning pathway in Year 8. The process begins with a taught careers module after which students receive a copy of the 13-16 Curriculum booklet, providing information about all the GCSE and Vocational courses being offered, as well as details of the pathway process itself.
Further information in the form of a narrated PowerPoint presentation can be found in the links below. This presentation describes the pathway process, how support can be accessed, and a timeline of the key dates in the process.
Links to both the booklet and presentation are below:
Curriculum Intent
Our approach to the curriculum is holistic, coherent and provides equity for learners. The curriculum is logically sequenced and ensures our students have regular opportunities to practise what they know, constantly building and deepening their knowledge and skills.
Our curriculum intent is driven by a strong moral purpose to ensure what we offer is personalised, ambitious and reflective of opportunities that exist globally, nationally and locally.
We strive for our students to be responsible, safe and healthy citizens in the real and digital world with an acute awareness of their role in positively shaping the future.
We intend a Landau Forte student to have a memorable experience in and outside of the classroom through providing outstanding teaching and enrichment opportunities.
More information
If you would like more information about the curriculum the College follows then please contact us.